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Jun. 17., 2009 | 06:45 pm

Running in heels

Par kvalitāti un oriģinalitāti ij neko nevaru teikt- jo tik šodien uzraku.

INFO: Since preschool we were told never to run with scissors, but our elders forgot to warn us about a much greater threat: stilettos. We are eager to tune into the Style Network’s Running in Heels, an unscripted series that follows doe-eyed interns at Marie Claire as they traverse their way through the treacherous roads of the fashion world and encounter the perils of running in heels. The always witty Joanna Coles will leave you laughing and sending your resume and famed fashion director Nina Garcia, who has a new home at Marie Claire, is a most stylish force. We can’t wait to see all the drama that is sure to brew. Heels may break, tears may flow and we are sure to be there, watching it all unfold. The show airs Sundays at 8 pm on the Style Network and we’re already hooked.

Beigusies jau ir 1. sezona (8 sērijas)
NOVELKAMS TE: http://www.irfree.com/forum/showthread.php?t=161604
(1.- 6. sērija) 7.-8. sērija- http://www.megaupload.com/?d=MTA3GAKH un http://www.megaupload.com/?d=HTVGJYC0

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Comments {3}


Re: oft.

from: [info]fashionista
date: Jun. 21., 2009 - 11:08 am

es tiešām baidos nosaukt kadu konkretu ciparu, jo tiesa- cik prasa tik ari jadod. katra zinja, mazak par 20ls nekada gadijuma.

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Re: oft.

from: [info]echoes
date: Jun. 21., 2009 - 05:12 pm

paldies! :) jo man tiešām nav pat aptuvenas nojausmas

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