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Oktobris 28., 2020

21:57 - : hans zimmer, protams, un lisa gerrard
pa ilgiem gadiem ir atnācis tas mirklis, kad es beidzot atceros, ka gribēju zināt un uzzinu, kas tā bija par dziesmu iekš mi:2.

(cup of coffee?)

Jūlijs 23., 2020


I want you to listen to the sound of my voice
Just as if it were noise
Don't try to make any sense out of what I'm saying
Because your brain will take care of that automatically
You don't have to try to understand anything
Just listen to the sound

darīju, kā liek, un man patika

(cup of coffee?)

Septembris 21., 2018

12:40 - : who is m83?
riskējot izklausīties tā, kā izklausīšos, teikšu, ka m83 ir trāpījuši tieši uz un pa manām dvēseles stīgām vairāk, nekā vienu reizi.

(cup of coffee?)

Maijs 9., 2014

07:38 - : joachim j - opera (original mix)
a cik patīkami no rītiem atkal spēt agri pamosties, uztaisīt milzīgu kafijas krūzi ar pienu, un
nedarīt neko.

(rekur jums rīta opera)

(cup of coffee?)

Septembris 25., 2011

19:29 - : the x factor
šis, lai arī kas tas būtu par stilu, transs ar kaut ko, šis ir tas, kas man patīk.
jautājums tikai - kur lai es viņu izroku?

(12 with milk | cup of coffee?)

Marts 11., 2011

nav jau īsti piektdienas rīta dziesma, bet es nespēju ilgāk turēt sveci zem pūra.
warning: dļa ļubiķeļa!
un, jā, kas tas skaitās vispār - tehno? transs? tehnotranss? obožaju.

Mūzika: ticon - you make me wanna drink more

(5 with milk | cup of coffee?)

Decembris 16., 2009

10:28 - : la musika
electronica 2000 - 2009 dazed & digital izlasē. neko nejautāt, pati tikko sāku klausīties.
man patīk, ka cilvēki taisa topus. es nekad nevaru atcerēties visas labās filmas, kuras ir iznākušas pēdējās desmitgades laikā, vai mūziku. pajautājiet man par dizaineriem, to es varbūt varētu zināt, tā informācija man paliek prātā. bet mūziku un filmas es baudu as they come and go. nekādas izpratnes par producentiem, izdevējiem un autoriem. 

(2 with milk | cup of coffee?)

Marts 12., 2009

lūk, jums. dāvana. (nekož.)

(cup of coffee?)

Februāris 2., 2009

10:09 - : whisperings
mans jaunākais mīļākais.
ļoti maz runā.
smuki spēlē.


Decembris 28., 2008

12:40 - : sinnerman where you gunna run to
this one blows my mind away.
Mūzika: Nina Simone & Felix Da Housecat - Sinnerman

(cup of coffee?)

Decembris 19., 2008

11:09 - : muzīk
Heartbreak - kaut kas jauns manām ausīm.

(cup of coffee?)

Decembris 8., 2008

02:25 - : mīļo ziemassvētku vecīt
I wish to give, to take, to make, to check, I wanna see it happen
I want to see, to be, the one that plays the game without no fears and regrets

infected mushroom - i wish )

(cup of coffee?)

Novembris 22., 2008

00:28 - : the kiss the kill the poetry the freak way
She's open, she's wild life
Caressing the pride life
Religious, pleasure to pain
The kiss, the kill, the poetry, the freak way
Mūzika: Moonbootica - Pretty Little Angel

(cup of coffee?)

Septembris 10., 2008

12:00 - : tam ta dam tam ta dam ta dam dam ta dam ta dam tam
bye, bye, summer. greetings, fall.

(cup of coffee?)

Septembris 9., 2008

14:09 - : 40 frauen
superpitčeru labākais darbs - no andreas dorau dziesmeles 40 frauen uztaisīt tādu masterpiece; lai slavēta mūzika, i'm tellin' ya.

Mūzika: Andreas Dorau - 40 Frauen (Superpitcher Remix)

(cup of coffee?)

Augusts 31., 2008

22:22 - : meklēšanā
RJD2 - A Beautiful Mine

(cup of coffee?)

Augusts 30., 2008

you're stoned in love but not with me
i'm stoned in love but not with you

(cup of coffee?)

Augusts 15., 2008

nevaru atrast Balligomingo - Privilege...

(cup of coffee?)

Augusts 9., 2008

16:57 - : mad men
esmu iemīlējusies mūzikā, kas skan Mad Men sākumā. RJD2 - A Beautiful Mine.

(3 with milk | cup of coffee?)

Jūlijs 25., 2008

eu, bet Zeigeist ir kaut kas foršs un The Knife ļoti līdzīgs.
Mūzika: Zeigeist - Chasing Your Shadow

(4 with milk | cup of coffee?)

Jūnijs 12., 2008

00:28 - dreams.
sleep will come.

(2 with milk | cup of coffee?)

Maijs 14., 2008

01:36 - balzams sirsniņai
album title: In Search Of Sunrise 6
artist: Marc Marzenit
song title: Trozitos De Navidad (Primavera Remix)

starp citu, - ko nozīmē Trozitos De Navidad?

ausīm izklausās pēc dzīves svinēšanas vai līkločiem, vai ne, bet es jau ar' zinu spāņu valodu tikai tik, cik bērnībā ziepju operās saklausīju.
Mūzika: Marc Marzenit - Trozitos De Navidad (Primavera Remix)

(2 with milk | cup of coffee?)

Aprīlis 10., 2008

15:04 - air for life
dienas prieks un acuraugs - above & beyond

(cup of coffee?)

Aprīlis 2., 2008

03:50 - idol
manas paaudzes mammas un tēti bija viens otru pamanījuši deju zāles pretējā stūrī, kad dzima labākās roka balādes. kaut kas labāks par W.A.S.P. var nākt tikai no Blackie Lawless, - no dziesmām, kuras viņš vēl tikai uzrakstīs. te piederas cigaretes, viskijs un, bļāviens, pastiprinātājs, ja ne live koncerts vasaras naktī ar kādu, kas būs mazāk piedzēries un varēs pieskatīt, lai mēs nesadomājam līst uz skatuves.
viens no mūsējiem, galu galā, pateica, ka grib viņu apprecēt, cik tā mūzika ir garām.

Mūzika: Iced Earth - Watching Over Me

(cup of coffee?)

Marts 20., 2008

23:35 - when i was seventeen.
when i was seventeen, it was a very good year
(rakstīju dziedot)
jums ir bijis tā, ka jāatbild uz jautājumu:
- cik vecs tu jūties?
un, kad jāpaskaidro, kāpēc tik un tik
tad atbilde dažos gadījumos varbūt bija:
- man patīk, kā tas skan!

rokoties pa vecajām "dārgumu kastēm",
meklējot pazudušas zāles,
nevis vecas fotogrāfijas,
kas nāk no laikiem, kad pincete vēl nebija izgudrota
un matu krāsa nebija izmantota.
meklējot pazudušas zāles,
nevis klasesbiedreņu dāvinātu atmiņu kladi
kas nāk no ģimnāzijas laikiem.
no 2003. gada,
kad man bija 17,
un es nebiju tik dumja, kā man atmiņā palicis.

lai nu kā,
šis mazais rozā papīra brīnums man lika saprast,
kāpēc es teicu, ka jūtos kā septiņpadsmitgadniece,
ja man jautāja.
redz', when i was 17, it was a very good year.
bet pēc tam viss aizgāja pa pieskari.

(1 with milk | cup of coffee?)

Marts 7., 2008

07:48 - burial. archangel.
(oh, my god, i'm totally in love)

Holding you,
good at being alone, good at being alone, good at being alone
Loving you,
could it be alone, could it be alone, could it be alone
Kissing you

Holding you,
good at being alone, good at being alone, good at being alone
Loving you,
good at being alone, good at being alone, good at being alone
Kissing you,
tell me how can you,tell me I belong, tell me I belong

Holding you,
could it be alone, could it be alone, could it be alone
Loving you,
good at being alone, good at being alone, good at being alone
Kissing you,
tell me how can you,tell me I belong, tell me I belong

Holding you,
good at being alone, good at being alone, good at being alone
Loving you,
good at being alone, good at being alone, good at being alone
Kissing you,
tell me how can you,tell me I belong, tell me I belong

Holding you,
good at being alone, good at being alone, good at being alone
Loving you,
good at being alone, good at being alone, good at being alone
Kissing you,
tell me how can you,tell me I belong, tell me I belong

Holding you,
good at being alone, good at being alone, good at being alone
Loving you,
good at being alone, good at being alone, good at being alone
Kissing you,
tell me how can you,tell me I belong, tell me belong

Its not why i trust you, not why I trust you, not why I trust you,
not why I trust you,
Its not why i trust you, not why I trust you, not why I trust you,
not why I trust you,

Tell me, how can you...
Holding you,
good at being alone, good at being alone, good at being alone
Loving you,
good at being alone, good at being alone, good at being alone
Kissing you,
tell me how can you,tell me I belong, tell me I belong..
Mūzika: Burial - Archangel

(cup of coffee?)

Marts 6., 2008

04:00 - dziesma garam staavoklim.
everybody needs somebody
peedeejaas nedeeljas favourite dziesma
mums visiem tur pie a-salas
viegli dziedaat liidzi
viegli teelot bundzinieku
viegli viegli padejot
viegli justies labi
viegli viegli pasmaidiit
viegli viegli saskumt
jo buus jau labi
everybody needs somebody
everybody needs somebody
everybody needs somebody
everybody needs somebody

Mūzika: Mauro Piccoto - Evribadi (Fonzerelli Remix)

(cup of coffee?)

Janvāris 30., 2008

18:46 - melody club - wildhearts.
you can do what you want
you can tear me apart
you can take what you want
but you can´t have my heart

it´s been so long since i rested
my head on the ground
will you feel regret
when i´m not around

when i´m not around

and the stars never shine for the wild hearts
and we lost it all so fast
we were not meant to last

and the stars never shine for the wild hearts
you´ve been wandering on your own
and now you´re coming home

oh and time is never on your side
and your heart is growing old and tired
oh and time is never on your side
Mūzika: Paul Van Dyk feat. Wayne J. - The Other Side (Deep Dish Rmx)

(cup of coffee?)

Decembris 9., 2007

Paul Van Dyk dziesmu The Other Side veltījis savai mirušajai draudzenei. Mēģinot aptvert viņa zaudējumu, man sirds sāk pulsēt.
Koncerts februārī. Yes. Yes, I'm going.

Mūzika: Paul Van Dyk - The Other Side (Deep Dish Remix)

(cup of coffee?)

Oktobris 23., 2007

10:18 - .
listen to the song and remember your friends, who are gone forever.
Mūzika: ÄčÄžĖ˙- Äåķü


Oktobris 18., 2007

09:59 - singalongthesongmydarling.
bet šorīt gluži cita noskaņa dziesmai. nē, nu, tā pati jau, tā pati, tikai, saproti - cita. šķiet, ka esmu pārklausījusies, vai arī neesmu ieklausījusies uzmanīgi. viena lieta ir, - es pati ar nodomu pārveidoju lirikus, lai kontekstu sev pa prātam izmainītu, bet pavisam cita - ja kāds tos nepareizi pierakstījis.
neviens taču nav solījis patiesību tais plašajos world wide web tīklos. (tā kunga ceļos jau arī ne.)

Mūzika: Deep Dish feat. Stevie Nicks - Dreams

(cup of coffee?)

Oktobris 16., 2007

it's alright, can't you see
it's alright, she's with me

Mūzika: Tiamat - Clovenhoof

(cup of coffee?)

Oktobris 10., 2007

20:35 - thp - thanks+hugs+paldies.
viena no jaukākajām lietām pasaulē ir
saņemt dziesmu, kuru nevar novilkt.
(Le Noir - Eleny)

bet vispār,
esmu slima un nevienu nemīlu.
Mūzika: Infected Mushroom - I Wish

(7 with milk | cup of coffee?)

Oktobris 9., 2007

Deep Dish feat. Stevie Nicks - Dreams

Now here I go again I see, the crystal vision
I keep my visions to myself
It's only me who wants to
Wrap around your dreams and
Have you any dreams you'd like to sell?
Dreams of loneliness
Like a heartbeat drives you mad
In the stillness of remembering what you had
And what you lost
What you had
What you lost

Thunder only happens when it's raining
Players, only love you when they're playing
They say women, they will come and they will go
When the rain washes you clean you'll know

You will know

(1 with milk | cup of coffee?)

23:10 - piedodiet, bet es neciešu šo bezjēdzīgo miera pilsētu.
Le Noir - Eleny

ja vien varētu,
klausītos non-stop.

bet ir arī citas dziesmas.

Mūzika: Le Noir - Eleny

(13 with milk | cup of coffee?)

Augusts 22., 2007

23:03 - if love is made of stone.
un ne no šā
ne no tā
izsprūk te jautrāks
te nopietnāks
i'm stoned in love but not with you
(baigi patīk tā dziesma)

(cup of coffee?)

Augusts 20., 2007

10:12 - topic.
summer '07: the summer of music
Mūzika: Chicane feat. Tom Jones - Stoned In Love

(cup of coffee?)

Jūlijs 31., 2007

12:14 - walking down the melodious lane.
Infected Mushroom - Drop Out
Infected Mushroom - Elation Station
Infected Mushroom - Blink
Infected Mushroom - Shakawkaw
Infected Mushroom - Dancing With Kadafi

Atceros, kā sēdējām vēl viņa vecajā dzīvoklī un ēdām pastu ar Boloņas mērci, un nebijām spējīgi pateikt kaut ko vairāk par pliekanu - ģeniāli, ak, dievs, kā var kaut ko tādu radīt, i'm in love, i'm melting - izdzirdot Elation Station.

Vector Lovers - Nightwalking Your Memories (Drunk & Void)
Vector Lovers - Kissed You By The Fountain
Vector Lovers - City Lights From A Train
Vector Lovers - Girl + Robot

Nospriedu, ka Vector Lovers spēlē vienu no piemērotākajiem pavadījumiem ne tikai mirkļiem, kad izdomā savu atmiņu izvest pastaigā.

Volbeat - The Garden's Tale
Volbeat - Soulsweeper #2
Volbeat - Devil Or The Blue Cat's Song
Volbeat - Say Your Number

Mūzika: Volbeat - Soulsweeper #2

(cup of coffee?)

Jūnijs 12., 2007

17:38 - hot chip. (i like it)
lay back
lay back
we'll give you playback

over and over and over and over
Mūzika: Hot Chip - Over And Over

(2 with milk | cup of coffee?)

Jūnijs 1., 2007

i´ve been searching for a heart of gold
and i´m getting old

(cup of coffee?)

Aprīlis 24., 2007

Your Song. atskaņo radio. (pateicu, it kā atskaņotu plati un es pati būtu Plezentvillā.)

(2 with milk | cup of coffee?)

Aprīlis 17., 2007

23:36 - red. simply
fake )

(cup of coffee?)

Aprīlis 16., 2007

21:31 - the knife
un es vēl šaubījos,
vai ticu mīlestībai.

pass this on
girl's night out
you take my breath away

bet, nu, lēnām, lēnām.
don't get too excited, dear.
Mūzika: The Knife - You Take My Breath Away

(3 with milk | cup of coffee?)

Aprīlis 15., 2007

20:28 - the killers. paul oakenfold

I'm coming out of my cage
And I've been doing just fine
Gotta gotta be down
Because I want it all
It started out with a kiss
How did it end up like this
It was only a kiss, it was only a kiss
Now I'm falling asleep
And she's calling a cab
While he's having a smoke
And she's taking a drag
Now they're going to bed
And my stomach is sick
And it's all in my head
But she's touching his-chest
Now, he takes off her dress
Now, letting me go


Maybe this love thing is not for me
Maybe lovers dream things
That i don't dream
Maybe oh, maybe

Maybe you were just a little boy
After gave you the pride and joy
Maybe i should set you free
Mūzika: The Knife - Heartbeats

(2 with milk | cup of coffee?)

Februāris 1., 2007

tā plastiskuma sajūta pirkstos un
gribas dziedāt līdzi
un dejot
saplūst ar mūziku
more than a woman

(cup of coffee?)

Janvāris 29., 2007

09:15 - kaifs. visaptverošs un 3 minūtes un 46 sekundes ilgs
sameklēju Southern Sun.

saule, akmeņi, saule, mežs, saule
sarunas, smēķēšana, brendijs, sarunas
varbūt konjaks, nevis brendijs, saule
mūzika, saule, šifons, karstums
saule, smiekli, dzīves svinēšana

'cause it's easier to fly
than to face another night
in the southern sun

viņa dzied

ir grūti nelidot.

(cup of coffee?)

Decembris 18., 2006

Dogs were whistling a new tune
Barking at the new moon
Hoping it would come soon so that they could die

Honestly what will become of me
I don't like reality
It's way too clear to me
But really life is daily
We are what we don't see
We missed everything daydreaming

Flames to dust
Lovers to friends
Why do all good things come to an end

Travelling I always stop at exits
Wondering if I'll stay
Young and restless
Living this way I stress less
I want to pull away when the dream dies
The pain sets it and I don't cry
I only feel gravity and I wonder why

And the sun was wondering if it should stay away for a day until the feeling went away
And the clouds were dropping and the...
The rain forgot how to bring salvation
The dogs were whistling a new tune barking at the new moon
Hoping it would come soon so that they could die

(cup of coffee?)

Decembris 17., 2006

05:07 - j'adore
Paul Oakenfold - Southern Sun

(1 with milk | cup of coffee?)

Decembris 13., 2006

12:09 - ambassadors. art-e-fact
tears are running down my cheaks
when francis speaks to me
anger burns inside of me
makes me weak
when francis speaks

if only i could meet a certain someone
a person whom to show
what i see when i close my eyes
if only there would be someone
who could see
what's going on 'behind the curtain'
even better
if there would be someone
who saw what i saw
who wished to meet someone
who could see
what he sees when he closes his eyes
who could sneak 'behind the curtain'


(cup of coffee?)

Oktobris 12., 2006


(cup of coffee?)

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