: who's that girl? - Komentāri

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Marts 7., 2008

[info]f07:48 - burial. archangel.
(oh, my god, i'm totally in love)

Holding you,
good at being alone, good at being alone, good at being alone
Loving you,
could it be alone, could it be alone, could it be alone
Kissing you

Holding you,
good at being alone, good at being alone, good at being alone
Loving you,
good at being alone, good at being alone, good at being alone
Kissing you,
tell me how can you,tell me I belong, tell me I belong

Holding you,
could it be alone, could it be alone, could it be alone
Loving you,
good at being alone, good at being alone, good at being alone
Kissing you,
tell me how can you,tell me I belong, tell me I belong

Holding you,
good at being alone, good at being alone, good at being alone
Loving you,
good at being alone, good at being alone, good at being alone
Kissing you,
tell me how can you,tell me I belong, tell me I belong

Holding you,
good at being alone, good at being alone, good at being alone
Loving you,
good at being alone, good at being alone, good at being alone
Kissing you,
tell me how can you,tell me I belong, tell me I belong

Holding you,
good at being alone, good at being alone, good at being alone
Loving you,
good at being alone, good at being alone, good at being alone
Kissing you,
tell me how can you,tell me I belong, tell me belong

Its not why i trust you, not why I trust you, not why I trust you,
not why I trust you,
Its not why i trust you, not why I trust you, not why I trust you,
not why I trust you,

Tell me, how can you...
Holding you,
good at being alone, good at being alone, good at being alone
Loving you,
good at being alone, good at being alone, good at being alone
Kissing you,
tell me how can you,tell me I belong, tell me I belong..

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