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Novembris 10., 2005

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It's kinda cute to remember about the decision to colour my hair half an hour before leaving for tea-house. And don' t you better ask me why am I writing in English. It' s a hurtful issue.

(9 with milk | cup of coffee?)


[User Picture]
Date:10. Novembris 2005 - 12:33
Wai Ju Rait In Ing Liš ?

/Eu!!! Es nogulēju svarīgo lekciju. Pie tam - tā pamatīgi!:))
[User Picture]
Date:10. Novembris 2005 - 12:54
i wouldn' t have managed to get to my only lecture too, because I woke up at exatcly 10. 43 :)

/and I am writing in English, because I have no Internet, so I' m sitting at my brother's pc, an he has not installed THOSE things. and you know I hate writing without them just as much as reding texts written without them. so I decided it' ll be better for my nerves to write like this.
[User Picture]
Date:10. Novembris 2005 - 13:06
mhm, eh.

/hm, a tev tagad kkad nebija ar nedievu? nebija vienos?
[User Picture]
Date:10. Novembris 2005 - 13:08
we put it off ' a little, so now we're meeting at 2pm.
[User Picture]
Date:10. Novembris 2005 - 13:11
sitifu:DD atcerējos. hh.

/un cikos mēs tur? hm, jāpadomā
[User Picture]
Date:10. Novembris 2005 - 13:37
well, yesterday we talked something about 15.30 and the Statue of Liberty, huh? :)
[User Picture]
Date:10. Novembris 2005 - 13:39
It's called the Freedom Monument, m?
/auš piekasī auš
ok, c u zēr
[User Picture]
Date:10. Novembris 2005 - 14:03
I thought it sounds strange. fucking americans. :(

/ok. see ya.
[User Picture]
Date:10. Novembris 2005 - 14:05
fakinamerikans rait!

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