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Novembris 22., 2014

palasīju vēlreiz, ko gudri cilvēki raksta, un, lūk, īsumā apvienots labākais no mūsu visu teiktā:
But if collagen gets weaker with age, then why do young women get cellulite?

While it is true that a drop in estrogen can cause weak collagen in older women, just the opposite appears to be the case in younger women.

Among younger women, excessive estrogen (also known as estrogen dominance) can occur due to eating high amounts of processed foods, soy and packaged foods.

Estrogen dominance or hormonal imbalances can also result from physical inactivity, stress, excessive caloric intake, birth control pills, pregnancy and fat deposits. So cellulite in younger women is usually not because the grocery bag is too weak, but rather because there are simply too many groceries in it.

Finally, there is also a genetic element that can influence your susceptibility to cellulite. Characteristics of specific genes have been shown to increase your chances of getting cellulite.

However, you can still control these factors to a certain extent with exercise, diet, and lifestyle modifications.

es domāju, tas ir vecāku darbs, audzināt savus bērnus tā, lai viņi visu saprastu, nevis likt to darīt lellēm.

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