: who's that girl? - umberto eco. on beauty

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Septembris 23., 2011

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20:02 - umberto eco. on beauty
The eyes are beautiful if they are bright and the most beautiful of all are blue-green eyes. One of the prime qualities of a beautiful body is pink skin and, according to Isidore the etymologist, the word venustas, physical Beauty, comes from venis, i.e. the blood, while formosus, beautiful, derives from formo, which is the heat that moves the blood; from sangue (blood) also comes sanus, said of those whose complexion was not pale, but healthily pink. Furthermore, Isidore says that the expression delicatus (delicate), when used to describe a person's aspect, derives from the deliciae (delicacies) served with a good meal and he even hazards a classification of the character of some people based on the way they lived and fed, still employing far-fetched etymologies. Hence the Gauls, whose name allegedly derived from gala, milk, in Greek, on account of the whiteness of their skins, were ferocious because of the climate in which they lived.

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