Marts 19., 2014
10:08 “A couple of seasons ago, the hair palette was pastel and cool,” Friedman says. “Now it’s about really warm rose and peachy blends, which are flattering to many skin tones and all shades of hair.”
sākumā pasteļtoņi bija apģērbā, tagad tie ir matos, nākamais solis - uzraksts "pastel" uz tēkrekliem, and - we're on to the next trend. kaut gan žēl, man tie pasteļi nudien patīk.
10:48 - : skaistākajai meitenei pasaulē dzimšanas diena!
 (bianka balti)
12:09 A morning with curly hair is like a box of chocolates: You never know what you’re going to get.
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