Novembris 4., 2009
13:58 styles began on the street, among a core group of working-class youths who were obsessively concerned with issues of personal style. youth culture was based on music and fashion, sex and drugs. (c) valērija stīla
un tas, patiesībā, izskaidro visu. drugs? not so popular among fashionistas. music? lady gaga un notetovējušies, dimantiem izrotāti nēģeri (un tie, kas tādi nav, nav populāri un savu personisko stilu slēpj aiz animētiem youtube video un monitoriem). fashion? lieli brendi un slavenības. sex? tas vairs nav nekas jauns.
14:11 - : tā runāja hipiji Fashion is damaging, because “this uniformity and this change keep us from being ourselves. Clothing is a means of communication about the self, but we are not allowed to be honest and individual.” The solution to this dilemma, according to the hippies, was “to abandon received fashion, in order to invent our own personal fashions”. Theoretically, each individual would create his own unique style. He would “express himself” and “do his own thing” – as the clichés of the time put it. In this way, the individual would defeat “the System”, whether this was conceived of as the fashion system, advanced global capitalism, or society in general.
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