: who's that girl? - : mirkļi

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Decembris 21., 2009

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10:28 - : mirkļi
slauku kafiju no monitora ar vienu roku, un ar otru drudžaini (kratoties smieklos) rakstu šo postu.

nymag.com katru mēnesi apkopo labākos un sliktākos žurnālmirkļus, vai ne...
es jau ieliktu ārpus kata, bet ... 
"There are too many dirty jokes to make about what could possibly be going on here. Take a moment to make them to yourself and enjoy how pretty Daria Werbowy looks in a ponytail!"


(2 with milk | cup of coffee?)


[User Picture]
Date:21. Decembris 2009 - 10:54
labi ka man nebija kafija rokas bet uz galda :-)
[User Picture]
Date:22. Decembris 2009 - 12:21
vai ne? :D

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