: who's that girl? - Komentāri

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Septembris 17., 2009

[info]neraate20:41 - my true blood guy is:
You tend to fall for the lone wolf, especially if he's the sensitive sort. You like to be pampered.
If a guy treats you well, then you're hooked. You're not likely to judge a guy too harshly on his past or secrets.

You are the type of woman who is likely to fall for a friend. You are usually attracted to the sweetest guy in your life.
You don't like much drama in your love life. Being happy is as simple as finding someone you're content to sit still with.

bet ko gan var gribēt no meitenes, kuras agrās jaunības romantiskie varoņi ir no Dakteres Kvinnas, Bordertaunas u.tml.
un, protams, Klints Īstvuds

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