: who's that girl? - : coffee, tea?

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Septembris 16., 2009

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21:12 - : coffee, tea?

(21 with milk | cup of coffee?)


[User Picture]
Date:17. Septembris 2009 - 05:55
i just despise the word "blogot".
otherwise - can you really compare these things?
Date:17. Septembris 2009 - 06:52
can compare anything!
[User Picture]
Date:17. Septembris 2009 - 08:34
tādā gadījumā, pamosties velnsviņuzina kur blakus velnsviņuzina kam noteikti nozīmē, ka you had a fantastic (visās šī vārda nozīmēs) night.

bet better noup. tas nu ir salīdzinājums, ko es atsakos veikt.

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