Runā, ka Ziemassvētki esot dāvināšanas laiks...

Nov. 24., 2011 | 11:28 pm
noskaņojums: sleepy sleepy

"...velti vienu slaidu pirms secinajumiem, sakot , ka shi SIEMENS SIMOREG bazeta sistema var ari nebut velak vajadziga, tapat ka pasi SIMOREG, tos mes davinasim bareniem..."

/Citāts no sarakstes ar priekšnieku/

Varu gan viņu iedomāties Zsvecīša vietā ejam pie bērniem ar padusē un kautrējoties sakām: "Hhho, hhho, ho, mēs jums dāvanas sagādājām..."
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Mar. 21., 2011 | 10:18 am
noskaņojums: calm calm
muzīk: Lisa Gerrard - Elysium

Lasot visādu svarīgu iekārtu dokumentāciju uzgāju šādu te OS rekomendāciju:

“A Linux distribution is like a religion. If you've ever tried to suggest to another person that his or her choice of a distro might not be the best, then you know what I mean. Even if you haven't, you have probably come across a "distribution opinion war" on one of the mailing lists or public forums. But that's OK. We should be passionate about things we love, even if it's just a mass of programming code."
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Full metal Jacket

Dec. 4., 2010 | 10:24 am
noskaņojums: awake
muzīk: Anathema - Underworld

"The dead know only one thing: it is better to be alive."

"These people we wasted here today are the finest human beings we will ever know. After we rotate back to the world, we're gonna miss not having anyone around that's worth shooting."
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Nov. 28., 2010 | 01:25 pm
muzīk: Amberian Dawn - Curse

"If we admit that human life can be ruled by reason, the possibility of life is destrojed."

"And when you think more than you want, your thoughts begin to bleed."

@Into the wild
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Nov. 25., 2010 | 08:27 am
muzīk: Tiamat - Vote For Love

Twaterī lēto aviobiļešu tvīts: "Dīls zāles pīpētājiem un pa kreisi laidējiem" - kā izrādās tiek piedāvātas lētas aviobiļetes Jaungada sagaidīšanas datumos.

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Urban dictionary

Nov. 23., 2010 | 04:34 pm
noskaņojums: stressed stressed
muzīk: Anathema - The Silent Enigma

wild receiver 5 thumbs up

a girl or woman who, when in state of sexual arousal, turns into a sexual maniac. Similar to "a freak in the Bed" and the opposite of "a mild receiver".

This rare female quality is possesed by only a small population. This quality is to be considered as good. However, it is really hard to identify such a woman, especialy when she is in an non sexual mood.

NOTE: If your date turns out to be like this, you are one lucky boy! Do not hesitate to give her what she needs.
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Alcohol heart benefits

Nov. 15., 2010 | 08:29 am
muzīk: Sopor aeternus - Sopor Fratern Mortis Est

"Cardiologist Erin Michos of Johns Hopkins University in Baltimore says she doesn’t encourage moderate drinkers to stop. “But for individuals that don’t drink, I don’t encourage them to start,” she says. Michos also notes that the benefits of alcohol on vascular diseases stem from a regular, modest intake, not binge drinking. “Up to two drinks per day can’t be weighted over a week as ten in one sitting,” she says."

Viss raksts te

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Okt. 23., 2010 | 12:02 pm

Form becomes figure when the idea abandons it.
/Edizioni Stella/

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The English Patient

Okt. 12., 2010 | 01:52 pm

"Her body had been in a war and, as in love, it had used every part of itself."

"If he could walk across the room and touch her he would be sane. But between them lay a treacherous and complex journey."

"He would be pregnant with her."

"He refused to believe in his own weaknesses, and with her he had not found a weakness to fit himself against. Neither of them was willing to reveal such a possibility to the other."

"Don’t we forgive everything of a lover? We forgive selfishness, desire, guile. As long as we are the motive for it."

"If you are in a room with a problem don’t talk to it."

"The wild poem is a substitute
For the woman one loves or ought to love,
One wild rhapsody a fake for another."

"I know a comrade. The way a lover will always recognize the camouflage of other lovers."

"The paranoia and claustrophobia of hidden love.

“I think you have become inhuman,” she said to me.
“I’m not the only betrayer.”
“I don’t think you care—that this has happened among us. You slide past everything with your fear and hate of ownership,
of owning, of being owned, of being named. You think this is a virtue. I think you are inhuman. If I leave you, who will you go
to? Would you find another lover?”
I said nothing.
“Deny it, damn you.”"

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