28 Oktobris 2008 @ 16:08
makleoda meitas  

Man tomēr patīk ''Makleoda meitas'', jāatzīst, ka pirmās sezonas patika labāk, bet pie visiem varoņiem tā ir pierasts. Kāpēc atkal jābūt tādam sižeta pavērsienam? Apzinoties, ka tā ir tikai filma, es jau neierasti skumji uztvēru Klēras nāvi, un tagad vēl viens.

We had no time
To be together
Each day we had
I tried to hold
We had no time
To be together
This was the man
That I have loved
All the love
All the laughter
Will they ever
Be enough?

Why? Oh Why?
Why here? Why now?
Why can't I have the man I love?

Don't say
Don't dare to say
I won't see him
One more time
Don't say
That he's gone away
I close my eyes
And I see him smile
I feel his arms
Around my heart
As they should be
As they are

We had no time
To be together
Each day we had
I tried to hold
We had no time
To be together
He was the man
That I have loved

brīža meldiņš: Rebecca Lavelle - The Man I Loved
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eternaldreamer[info]eternaldreamer on 28. Oktobris 2008 - 17:43
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Demongirl: dont-look-at-me[info]demongirl on 28. Oktobris 2008 - 20:01
Ārprāts! Es biju kaut kur dzirdējusi par tādu iespēju, ka tas varētu būt Alekss, bet ļoti, ļoti cerēju, ka tomēr ne. Vispār labi, ka neesmu tās sērijas redzējusi. Iedomājos vien Stīvijas reakciju :/
(Atbildēt) (Iepriekšējais) (Link)