13 Septembris 2008 @ 13:44
Nespēju atturēties  

Prison Break 4x03 - Shut Down



-Do you know what they did? They killed my son, they killed my boy.



- Say it! Say it about the people who died! Say it!




- Alex, sorry, I know what happened. I'm sorry.

- They did this to get to me. To flush me up. Then they let my ex-wife stay alive, just that she could told me, that she was next, if I didn't turn myself in. Now she is in protective custody and I'm living in a warehouse trying to find that son of bitch that killed my kid!

- We're all here for something. All of us are here for something. You need to stay focus till this is done.

- I can do my job. I promise.

- I promise to do whaterever it takes to help you find the person that killed your son and the people behind it. We're gonna get these guys, Alex. I'm gonna help you.

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eternaldreamer[info]eternaldreamer on 14. Septembris 2008 - 09:37
nerakstīju vārdus (ja nu gadījumā ierauga kāds, kas negrib pirms laika redzēt), bet man laikam nesanāk būt noslēpumainai. :)
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