| artis wrote on May 25th, 2010 at 09:41 pm |
Salman Rushdie: "The idea that any kind of free society can be constructed in which people will never be offended or insulted is absurd. So too is the notion that people should have the right to call on the law to defend them against being offended or insulted. A fundamental decision needs to be made: do we want to live in a free society or not? Democracy is not a tea party where people sit around making polite conversation. In democracies people get extremely upset with each other. They argue vehemently against each other’s positions. (But they don’t shoot.)" .... "Those Muslims who cannot tolerate the openness and robustness of intellectual debate in the West have perhaps chosen to live in the wrong culture."
Runas brīvība paģēr tiesības apvainot. Neviens necinīnijās par tiesībām paust garlaicīgas, neitrālas un nevienu neaizskarošas lietas. Praktiski runājot, tiesības uz izteiksmes brīvību kļūst nepieciešamas tikai publisku kontraversiju gadījumos--laikā, kad kāda no pusēm vēlas apklusināt otru.
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