Blood in your veins...

Intervija ar M.Nusbaumu.
"Blood in your veins is not disgusting. It’s when blood comes into the open that it gets to be disgusting. The common property of all these primary disgust objects is that they are reminders of our animality and mortality."

Un viņa spēlē arī Šekspīra etīdēs, ja tas palīdz saprast filosofiskos argumentus.

“The play lets us see that the disgust with which people view sexuality is largely irrational,” Nussbaum said. “But people allow their phobic reactions to sexuality determine what law ought to be.” She added that baths and clubs in the modern era have been shut down due to “flimsy” public health arguments that merely reflect those fears.


Skatoties uz viņas muskuļotajām rokām, tādas aizdomas bija...
Arī intervijas fotogrāfija ir izaicinoša.
Mēdz būt gadījumi, kad rodas tāds nepieklājīgs jautājums - kā viņa kā filosofe skaidrotu to, kāpēc viņa to dara?
Nedomāju, ka viņa samulstu.

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