Princese Zeltīte

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11:00: nebuutisks, nesvariigs, nenoziimiigs ieraksts...njeh.


[User Picture]
Date:31. Marts 2003 - 11:09
Tieši tāpēc mēdiji to arī izmanto. Tev tikai jāiemācās to informāciju kontrolēt. Tāpēc arī man nepatīk klausīties Placebo (no offence protams), tie spiež iedomāties tev tādas emocijas, kuras tev nekad nav bijušas.
[User Picture]
Date:31. Marts 2003 - 11:24
.....things aren´t what they seem......:)
[User Picture]
Date:31. Marts 2003 - 11:37
The only thing you can rely on is that you can't rely on anything
Don't go and sell your soul for self-esteem
Don't be plasticine

Don't forget to be the way you are
And don't forget to be the way you are
The way you are...
[User Picture]
Date:31. Marts 2003 - 11:50
...harder, faster...
...forever after...
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