Beidzot... |
[13. Dec 2004|12:42] |
[ | Sajuutas: |
| | Miegains [ peec darba] | ] |
[ | Skaņu Operators: |
| | I-Radio: - [Industrial:EBM:Futurepop] | ] | Beidzot esmu ieradies "maajaas", bet tomeer ne uz ilgu laiku... mjaaaaa... kaads vilina vairaak, kaa buushana savaas maajaas :) |
Comments: |
Tas ir tad, kad ir psihodeelija....[ tas ir tads agregaatstaavoklis, kad praats ir miglaini sirreaali[nedaudz] viegli pluustosh] maybe taa kautkaa ir, man ar to extrapolaaciju taa pagruuti... ir psihodeeliska muuzika [tipa pink floyd[kaa roks] tipa industriaala daudzi virzieni ir psihodeelija[ iipashi electro industriaals [80to gadu] , Gothic Psycho Noise u.t.t.]
Ni it kaa taa :)
| From: | tati |
Date: | 13. Decembris 2004 - 22:45 |
| | explanation of word "psychedelic" | (Link) |
1) psychedelic -- (producing distorted sensory perceptions and feelings or altered states of awareness or sometimes states resembling psychosis; "psychedelic drugs like psilocybin and mescaline") -- (affecting the mind or mood or other mental processes; "psychoactive drugs") 2) psychedelic -- (having the vivid colors and bizarre patterns associated with psychedelic states; "a psychedelic painting") --(having striking color; "colorful autumn leaves") 3) psychedelic -- (of a mental state characterized by intense and distorted perceptions and hallucinations and feelings of euphoria or sometimes despair; "a psychedelic experience")-- (troubled emotionally and usually deeply; "agitated parents")
P.S. latviski mēģināt iztulkot tildē | |