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Pizģec [Sep. 7th, 2018|01:35 pm]
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Date:September 7th, 2018 - 05:15 pm
Ha, atradu avotu:
One of these gods was the lame dog Pizdets (Fiasco) with Fve legs. In the
ancient chronicles he was indicated by a large letter ‘P’ with two com-mas. Tradition says he sleeps somewhere among the snow, and while he sleeps, life goes along more or less OK; but when he wakes up, he attacks. When that happens, the land won’t yield crops, you get Yeltsin for presi-dent, and all that kind of stuff. Of course, they didn’t actually know any-thing about Yeltsin, but overall it’s pretty similar (Pelevin 2006: 229–30)