Bartla tests ;)

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Mar. 6th, 2008 | 06:28 pm

The Bartle Test of Gamer Psychology is a series of questions and an accompanying scoring formula that classifies players of multiplayer online games (including MUDs and MMORPGs) into categories based on their gaming preferences. The test is based on the research of Richard Bartle and was organized into its first electronic form by Erwin Andreasen.[1][2][3] Although the test has met with some criticism [4] for the dichotomous nature of its question-asking methodology, the test has been taken by a large number of computer game players. As of July 2007, the test had been taken by over 300,000 game players.[5]

The result of the Bartle Test is the "Bartle Quotient," which is calculated based on the answers to a series of 30 random questions in the test, and totals 200% across all categories, with no single category exceeding 100%.[6] For example, a person may score "100% Killer, 50% Socializer, 50% Achiever, 0% Explorer," which indicates a player who prefers fighting other players relative to any other area of interest. Scores are typically abbreviated by the first letter of each category, in order of the quotient. In the previous example, this result would be described as a "KSAE" result.

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man sanāca:


EASK players often live by the phrase 'The journey is often more enjoyable than the destination.' They are motivated by meeting the challenges of the world, but they are usually in no rush--because seeing the creatures and places of the world is even more fun.

Breakdown: Achiever 66.67%, Explorer 80.00%, Killer 26.67%, Socializer 26.67%

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Comments {2}

this is a ransom demand

(no subject)

from: [info]kakjux
date: Mar. 6th, 2008 - 09:18 pm

es sanācu AKSE :D
tipa - Breakdown: Achiever 73.33%, Explorer 26.67%, Killer 53.33%, Socializer 46.67%
:D :D

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