per silentium ad as†ra mille - [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]

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[Oct. 26th, 2004|12:23 am]
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[User Picture]
Date:October 26th, 2004 - 04:09 pm
tu man sapņos rādies.
[User Picture]
Date:October 26th, 2004 - 05:03 pm
A candy colored clown they call the sandman
Tiptoes to my room everynight
Just to sprinkle stardust and to whisper
Go to sleep, everything is all right.

I close my eyes, then I drift away
Into the magic night I softly say
A silent prayer, like dreamers do;
Then I fall asleep to dream my dreams of you.
In dreams I walk with you; in dreams I talk to you.
In dreams you're mine all of the time;
We're together in dreams, in dreams.