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[Sep. 16th, 2011|07:00 pm]
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When Jewish White House intern Monica Lewinsky became sexually involved with President Bill Clinton, she shared the following joke to him: "Why do Jewish men like to watch pornos backwards? So that they can watch the prostitute give back the money." [FORWARD, 10-23-98, p. 1]

savukārt Juris Takā izstāstīja sekojoša rakstura NudeWave anekdōti: iebrauc Maskačs uz jauno Vilni, letiņu robežsargs palūdz dokumentus un painteresējas: „Occupation?” - Ноу, джаст визитинг!

а Lewinskas joks ir paķerts no garāka apcerējuma: [Pornography, drugs, Hollywood, and Jewish influence upon the values of mass culture]

saldus sapņus un vieglas vēlēšanās!
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