per silentium ad as†ra mille - slimības vēsture, ap 40, take your time: get your dia-gnosis straight-jacketed [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]

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slimības vēsture, ap 40, take your time: get your dia-gnosis straight-jacketed [Jul. 31st, 2011|04:42 pm]
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Paraphrenia is described as a group of psychotic illnesses distinct from paranoia and from schizophrenia. Paraphrenia as a separate disorder is not included in either the present versions of ICD or DSM and is now likely to be classified as atypical psychosis, schizoaffective disorder or delusional disorder using these diagnostic systems. In patients suffering from this type of psychosis, personality decay is minimal, and emotional rapport is well retained. The onset occurs around age 40.
Furthermore, paraphrenia is characterized by the preoccupation with one or more semisystematized delusions. These delusions are not encapsulated from the rest of the personality as in delusional disorder. The affect is notably well-preserved and appropriate, as is the ability to maintain rapport with others. There is no intellectual deterioration, no flat nor grossly inappropriate affect. Disturbance of behavior is understandable in relation to the content of the delusions. The illness is associated with distress and agitation. Irrational behavior may appear as delusions become more vivid and judgment lessens. Patients may accuse others of persecution and complain to the authorities.
The predisposing factors in the onset of the disease are associated with severe stressors such as social isolation, migrant status and deafness.

šis ir pa taisno no vikipēdijas. jāatzīst, ka šis svešvārds man ir jaunums, jo mūsu mīlīgajā armijas rokas sarakstē ar Bisenieku pirms pāruntrīsdesmit gadiem viņš savu diagnōzi neminēja, viņam bija daudz citu traku un smieklīgu stāstu, kuros padalīties. kamēr padomju ārsti sarķenes psihenē apspriedās, kādu kokteili deluzionālajam paranojiķim iedot. viņam arī toreiz bija bišk virs 40. spēka gadi.
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