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rule of law, love of rules [Jun. 24th, 2011|03:25 pm]
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skaitos pabeidzis LPSR Valsts Universitātes Jurfaka 1. kursu. paldies kriminolōgam Valdim Birkavam. gada izskaņā rakstīju kursa darbu par Tiesisko Valsti jeb Rehtštāti. Perestroika bij iegājuse beigu fāzē, izteikumos varēja atļauties vienu otru vaļību, un nevaidzēja tikai ar Ļēņina, Trocka, Gēgeļa un Ganta citātiem iztikt. jejbogu, es nedomāju toreiz, ka pie šī sviesta jelkad atgriezīšos. bet cilvēks (ne)domā, juris dara.
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Date:June 24th, 2011 - 04:09 pm

He also observed over a century ago, “the state incurs debts for politics, war, and other higher causes and ‘progress’. . . . The assumption is that the future will honor this relationship in perpetuity. The state has learned from the merchants and industrialists how to exploit credit; it defies the nation ever to let it go into bankruptcy. Alongside all swindlers the state now stands there as swindler-in-chief.” {Judgments on History and Historians (tr. Boston: 1958), p. 171 - cited in "Super Imperialism" by M. Hudson}.