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izvingrini savus pirkstus, kamēr tie vēl ir [Nov. 7th, 2010|02:13 pm]
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Attila the Stockbroker: The Pen & The Sword


you never thought that it would come to this
they took your freedom, now they want your life
here's to you in your distress
poet on the run to a safe address
man of words in the shadow of the knife

you told of life in this inhospitable land
of a satirist and a city made of sand
you wrote it for your brothers
and they burnt it in the streets
and the union jack said send you back
to make the irony complete

a refugee from another century
where the world is absolute
and words queue up to die
where the page is aflame
and the truth has a single name
where a nation is crushed
to the sound of an anguished cry

they say that pen is mightier than the sword
the poet would never call the tyrant ”Lord”
but when the blade is raised, what do you do?
when all you got is a pen, and they're coming after you

when they were brownshirts, they were soon abused,
but a new disguise leaves some people confused,
but if you won't stand up to be counted, it happened once before,
remember Pastor Niemöller, as you hide behind your door

a refugee from another century
where the world is absolute
and words queue up to die
where the page is aflame
and the truth has a single name
where womanhood is crushed
to the sound of an anguished cry
in the name of an ancient lie

you never thought that it would come to this
they took your freedom, now they want your life
here's to you in your distress
poet on the run to a safe address
man of words in the shadow of the knife
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