per silentium ad as†ra mille - May Day (manas mammas dzimene), 1966 [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]

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May Day (manas mammas dzimene), 1966 [Feb. 19th, 2010|02:04 pm]
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TV: Is it triumphant for her [Cohen's mother] to read that her son's next novel is going to be troublesome to the censors?
LC: I think that that could be construed a triumph in 1966.
TV: But that your mother accepts this..?
LC: No, I don't think that anybody really considers the censor's opinion of your work definitive. The censor's in disrepute. The censors are having a hard time.
TV: Because of guys like you?
LC: No, because people really are having more fun, in an obvious kind of way.

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