August 2012 |
- 1st
- 08:16 am: † - 1 comment
07:07 pm: OoOoO - 16 comments
- 5th
- 04:16 pm: you see, v-eye-olence is inherent in the system - 16 comments
- 8th
- 02:42 am: Bobby's Spirit - 2 comments
06:42 pm: fren†ch connexion - 3 comments
07:42 pm: lj-uncut - 2 comments
08:42 pm: ay, eye, capt-eye'n
09:09 pm: anarchast - 14 comments
- 9th
- 12:26 am: Gimme a bucket
12:39 am: [g}old Diggers
12:33 pm: tāls pārrīgas rādiō, VEF 206
07:31 pm: lolkači - 19 comments
- 10th
- 05:58 am: kaut jūs visi pamostos, nenokauti, nenokautski
01:13 pm: freeman jack's reality field
02:35 pm: fotō-oportūnistiem
- 11th
- 01:13 am: paziņojums [друг другу]
01:42 am: trændz n brændz - 1 comment
03:29 am: runā bēringas, take your bearings, slay the bear, praise the bear, raise the snake that biteth not - 6 comments
- 12th
- 01:33 pm: īri irās un turās burās
- 13th
- 02:22 am: mēs visi esam 2:22
07:27 pm: bazki norauj mazki
- 14th
- 08:24 am: (no subject)
08:38 am: edīte pūrpūres toņos - 7 comments
09:22 am: Ondo pasa! - 4 comments
01:43 pm: (no subject) - 34 comments
06:42 pm: BBCcletas + armas de fuego = para niños - parabellum
- 15th
- 10:58 am: (no subject) - 6 comments
11:42 am: jūtekliskais grāmatnazis - 5 comments
12:42 pm: (no subject) - 10 comments
03:42 pm: jābeidz pērties, laiks noskaloties - 2 comments
08:00 pm: Damien striketh again - 2 comments
- 16th
- 01:42 am: mans mīļākais blodziņš visā plašā pasaulē
02:42 am: (no subject)
10:01 am: (no subject) - 28 comments
10:10 am: Chomskupy - 2 comments
05:42 pm: kinda garden
09:42 pm: rieksta laiks
11:11 pm: (no subject) - 2 comments
11:34 pm: (no subject)
- 17th
- 04:42 am: we ality check: shalom alejkum - 5 comments
05:43 am: artilligent mammal - 2 comments
05:42 pm: … - 3 comments
- 20th
- 01:55 am: trū stōrī - 2 comments
05:57 pm: Lord of the fjord
08:02 pm: butthead's entry, dia-rīga, cha-cha-cha
- 21st
- 09:43 am: hitlerjūgendstils - 10 comments
11:11 am: but i'm a dreamer - 5 comments
02:07 pm: Ragciema stāstiņi - 1 comment
02:32 pm: (no subject) - 1 comment
- 22nd
- 09:42 pm: tvaju maķ zavjot - 2 comments
- 23rd
- 12:42 pm: rebell yell - 3 comments
02:54 pm: nāk laiks - 2 comments
- 26th
- 04:04 am: another shyte on the wall - 1 comment
09:54 am: (no subject)
11:05 am: (no subject) - 6 comments
01:21 pm: (no subject) - 9 comments
- 30th
- 04:42 pm: ubi bene, ibi nōn sum - 4 comments