per silentium ad as†ra mille - August 1st, 2011 [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]

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August 1st, 2011

vēl mazliet no mestra Gerita Nōrdzeja [Aug. 1st, 2011|09:49 am]
A traditional objection against my example says that children cannot learn different scripts simultaneously. This is not true. Children can even distinguish lunch from dinner.
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Education as Fate: I [Aug. 1st, 2011|09:52 am]
The playing child explores space and time. Education is the part of others in this play. It is fashion to interrupt me here by pointing at the view of Soviet pedagogists who restrict education to the influence of authorities. This is, indeed, a good reason for me to reject Soviet pedagogy: In education the others are parents and teachers, but playmates and lovers as well. Education is everything that takes the child seriously in its play. The rest, pedagogic in its pretensions or not, is not education but terror.
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Education as Fate: II [Aug. 1st, 2011|10:00 am]
This logical inversion of sequences is considered a symptom of dyslexia. In obsolete neurology dyslexia is ascribed to brain dysfunctions. This is convenient because it discharges the school from its responsibility. Dyslexia is an interesting plague afflicting more or less 30% of western children. There is a vast literature on the subject from physiological as well as psychological points of view. The neurological basis of this literature is out of date. Dyslexia requires a new explanation. Here it is: Dyslexia is the result of western education.
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Education as Fate: III [Aug. 1st, 2011|10:10 am]
My view on education is pessimistic. There is no practical method for any improvement. The school would say that this is not the way of teaching children. When I show the mature hands of the children in my village the school would say that they do not write childish enough. When I repair the dyslexic damage, the school would say that my treatment is restricted to the effect of dyslexia (though there is nothing else to worry about). Any of us would be considered by the school as not qualified. My long experience in education on all levels makes no difference: I am a designer and designers cannot understand the metaphysics of pedagogy.
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Education as Fate: IV [Aug. 1st, 2011|10:20 am]
The problem of education cannot be solved as long as it is denied.
Social studies lack the clear rules of the game which are the advantage of natural science. There is no procedure for reform. In this primitive jungle ‘authorities’ concentrate on suppressing new points of view. But outside the campus students of pedagogy have started to think again. And there are students of psychology who are discovering again the spatial character of perception. There are neurologists who understand the absolute localization of brain functions as obsolete. There are students of design who refuse to subordinate the trends of advertising and ‘styling’. There are publishers of schoolbooks trying to escape from pedagogic commonplaces. These are the creative forces of a new society. For me there is no choice: I want to be on their side.
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confuse a rat [Aug. 1st, 2011|10:30 am]

nezinu, vai tā ir de-sleksija vai kas cits, bet mūsu stratēģiskie partneri savu papīru „investōriem” augusta laikā atdos 500 miljardus jeb vienu pustriljardu dolāru. tas, tātad, augustā. viena gada vienā mēnesī. tas nav maz. tā jau ir kaut kāda death-lekcija, piedodiet man punu.
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Tomass Teilōrs, Kārlails nolāpītais [Aug. 1st, 2011|02:42 pm]

Pretpīpēšanas grāmatu tātad neatradu, toties antikvariāts nekavējoties piedāvāja piparuplāksteri — skotu rakstnieka, vēsturnieka un paidogōga T. Kārlaila Sartor Resartus (Šuvējs Pāršūts vai, ja tā nelabpatiktos Šuvājevam, Drēbnieks Pārdrebēts).
Piezīme modes un filosōfijas interesentiem: visi tie jūsu toma-guččī, gotu jēri, versačī un mazie kelvini ir no tās pašas drēbes kā satōrī meklējošais Sartrs un citi domu šuvēji, piegriezēji un lāpītāji nolāpītie, jo sarcīre latīniski nozīmē lāpīt. Plašākā nozīmē arī labot.

Šodienas aforisms tālab varētu būt:

Difficilius est sarcire concordiam quam rumpere
Atjaunot saticību ir grūtāk nekā to salauzt.
Jeb kā teiktu mūsu austrumu brāļi — lamaķ ņi strojiķ.

Grāmatiņa izrādījās aizraujoša. Pirmkārt jau, apgāds Minerva garantē ne tikai zārku, bet arī izdevumu kvalitāti. Vika tikko arī atzinīgi izsaucās — lūk, kā agrāk grāmatiņas drukāja: tādiem, lūk, burtiņiem un uz šitāda, vot, papīra! A grāmatiņai, piezīmēsim, ir aptuveni 100 gadu. Aptuveni saku, jo dīvainā kārtā gadaskaitlis nav minēts, iekšvākā pirmais īpašnieks ir interesantā rokrakstā ar spalvu iešņāpis 1891 London, bet apjomīgajā Kāraila bibliōgrāfijā pie šī izdevuma stāv 1901? — tātad maķenīts mistikas ar' vēl.

Kārlails pie šī darba pieķērās vēl 1831. gadā (pirms 180 gadiem), un, lūk, ko raksta mana izdevuma redakdōrs G.T. Bettany:


In issuing three of Carlyle's most famous books in one volume of the Minerva Library, it occurred to the Editor that it might be worth while to attempt a new estimate of their value to present-day readers. Especially might this be useful in the case of “Sartor Resartus” (written in 1831), at first so unpopular that publisher after publisher declined to print it in a volume, after it had been issued in Fraser' s Magazine (November, 1833, to August, 1834). Indeed, it was from the other side of the water that the first real appreciation of the book came; and the edition in Boston in 1835 ranks as the earliest in volume form, thus preceding by three years the first English republication. What made it so unpopular at first? What makes it of value now?
The unpopularity of “Sartor Resartus” was but partially due to its attacks upon received opinions, upon current conventions. It was due much more to the strangeness of the individuality revealed to the reader, to the oddity of the literary vehicle selected, to the peculiarity of the phraseology, with its startling inversions, its striking contrasts, its rapidly changing moods. The writer was evidently, to some extent, at war with himself; to a greater extent, at war with society. Who was he, that he should thrust his quarrel with society into general notice?
But the thinking few gradually found out and discerned the passionate love for truth and reality that lay under that mask of satire, humour, and banter; they found that a Man was speaking under the disguise of Teufelsdröckh, powerfully assaulting the shams and dead conventions of the age, rescuing from the unrealities the core of reality, setting up new standards or giving fresh renderings of old ones.

Normāls, lūk, ievadiņš. Vēl varu ziņot, ka ne par Ezru Paunu, nedz arī par Tomasu Kāŗlailu vikipēdijā nav latviskās lappuses. Sūkā. Uldis vakar teica, ka Paunds vēl daudziem skaitoties fašists (dzīvojot fašistiskā valstī, neredzu pretrunu, bet lai paliek). Arī par Kārlailu līdzīgas domas steidz ziņot wiki-angļu lappuse:

Sartor Resartus: Heroes and Hero Worship: Past and Present
These ideas were influential on the development of Socialism, but—like the opinions of many deep thinkers of the time—are also considered to have influenced the rise of Fascism.

wot, tāds, vot wtf, vecītis bijis Tomass. un kas tad viņam šīsdienas sakarā sakāms par paidogōģiju? škiru uzreiz uz attiecīgo nodaļu un lasu:

He says generally: "Of the insignificant portion of my Education, which depended on Schools, there need almost no notice be taken. I learned what others learn; and kept it stored by in a corner of my head, seeing as yet no manner of use in it. My Schoolmaster, a down-bent, broken-hearted, underfoot martyr, as others of that guild are, did little for me, except discover that he could do little: he, good soul, pronounced me a genius, fit for the learned professions; and that I must be sent to the Gymnasium, and one day to the University.

Tā mēs visi viens otru par fašistu šitiem nosauksim, un beigās būs kā Oslō universitātē deviņdesmitajos, kad man radās iespaids, ka es vienīgais studentu vidū fašistu Hansunu Pderesenu esmu lasījis. Sick heil, very sick.
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no use for usura [Aug. 1st, 2011|09:12 pm]
Ezra Loomis Pound CANTO XLV - WITH USURA
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