falšie zaķi unvai izbrāztie putni |
[Dec. 30th, 2014|11:42 am] |
Mija mani reti uzslavē par sakarīgas filmas atrašanu un izrādīšanu. nevar jau viņai arī pārmest – tās parasti ir no 68tā vai 86tā gada, darbība notiek netālā kosmosā, uzreiz aiz asdoroīdu jostas, ja to vispār zemiskā valodā var nosaukt par darbību. tālab jo patīkamāk, ka jaunkundze mani un izvēlēto ficeni pagodināja ar komplimentu.
imdb filmai, dabiski, ir 2,6 puspunkti. un viena ģēnija atstāts lohains komentārs (vai, drīzak, otrādi) This movie has a slick clean look, which contrasts nicely with the rather sordid subject matter, involving suicide, psychological trauma, and revenge. The cinematography is pleasingly elegant, and the cast is good-looking, though the pretty-boy protagonist makes for slightly uncomfortable viewing for a straight male viewer. There are enough interesting characters to give it substance, and the acting is good; but, the plot doesn't really go anywhere, nor is the viewer likely to feel very involved. It's like severe modern artwork in a spacious white gallery: quality piece of work, but you doubt whether the experience has any meaning.

režisōrs tikmēr atsit uz Barguci, lai gan līdz trūdubultniekam pavelk tikai bārda, ne?