per silentium ad as†ra mille - RIP, Jim Traficant [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]

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RIP, Jim Traficant [Oct. 1st, 2014|11:42 am]
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pirms pāris dienām zem sava traktōra galu izlaidis Džims Trafikants, politiķis un kriminālnoziedznieks, mans kolēģis ideju kontrabandā un līdzelpojošā konspirācijā.

vēl, viņam tomēr bija satriecoša pričene.

After his expulsion, Traficant ran as an independent candidate for another term in the House while incarcerated at the United States Penitentiary, Allenwood. He received 28,045 votes, or 15 percent, and became one of only a handful of individuals in the history of the United States to run for a federal office from prison.

bldrbrg '13

šai klipiņā Džims diezgan artikulēti izsakās bilderberģu sakarā, vēl pie labas veselības.
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