Eos ([info]eos) wrote on September 9th, 2021 at 12:46 pm
Yazhi: As I once said, you don't need to be a numerical majority. It's not a democracy. One starseed can rage havoc against the system. It depends on its will and ingenuity. There are more than enough starseeds and people to turns things around. The problem is that they are all dispersed and not focused, so they are only creating personal reality systems, and do not condense with others into making another Collective Unconscious.

Gosia: So you advice them to condense?

Yazhi: To get together to create something nice, letting aside their petty differences and concentrating on what they all concur removing the problem that affects Earth now.

Gosia: Like communities?

Yazhi: Yes, for example. Real physical communities and also online communities, work communities and work groups, as I said leaving aside petty differences.
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