Eos ([info]eos) wrote on September 17th, 2019 at 01:29 pm
Prieks, ka grāmatas beigas ir tādas.

Man jau sasaiste ir ar Kaķiem, kuri, lai arī ir izteikušies par cilvēkiem šādi:

“We have viewed your media material as shown in many parts of your world and would say without doubt that the accent is more on chaos than on order. In fact, we would suggest that there is a glorification of all things chaotic, which has an adverse influence on immature essence-fragments in particular, but also affects those who are on the verge of taking their leave of the fields of cosmic childhood. In case you are not aware of it, your media actually programmes you by dictating the “norm” or what those in control of the systems feel should be standard behaviour.

Therefore, those essence-fragments that are ready to raise to the next stage in their cosmic development feel obliged to stay at the lower frequency for fear of being thought odd or different. It is no use my picking on any particular moral or ethic as I am not of your species anyway, nor have my own people ever been part of an evolutionary stream that is sick.

“The glorification of vice, deviations of all kind, violence, cruel competition, the degrading of your females and many, many more attitudes and practices that would not form part of your “norm” were your species and the planet as a whole on its current evolutionary path, are symptomatic of the malaise which blinds you to the light of cosmic truth. I would not waste my channel`s time outlining the way you would all feel were you cured of your sickness; I fear it would be dismissed as “boring” , “no fun at all” and “not natural”. I regret to say that compared with the behaviour of hominoids of similar evolutionary status in other parts of the universe it is you who are “unnatural”, since you delight in abusing natural cosmic laws.”

Tomēr saglabā ticību, ka viss notiek un mainās jau tagad.
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