PlayStation 2 vēl nav miris!
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Oct. 30th, 2008 | 03:20
Skan: Gorgoroth - The Virginborn
Nē, nu man jau dikti patīk, ka izstrādātājiem tiek norādīts uz lētākām un vieglāk virināmām durvīm, jo spēles ir tieši tas, kas nosaka vai kāda konsole ir mirusi, vai nav. Ja ir jaunu un labu spēļu, par miršanu var aizmirst.
Redzēs, kas no tā visa sanāks!
"The PlayStation 2 is far from dead, and the console is outselling the PS3. With Sony Europe's developer relations manager George Bain announcing that it's no longer necessary for developers to submit upcoming titles to Sony for content approval, don't expect the PS2 to die off anytime soon. The platform is now open, and this action will certain spur on a spate of low-cost titles. Bain cited territories like Russia and India that are now able to "create low-development cost titles and release them in their market”. Dev kits are still an necessity, but there are no longer PS2 licensing fees. "This has never been done before," notes Bain. "This is something we're actively promoting.""
Redzēs, kas no tā visa sanāks!