Forši, ka uzrakstīji mums! Saprotam, ka lieta svarīga, tāpēc centīsimies Tev atbildēt pēc iespējas ātrāk. Bet, ja Tev ir steidzams jautājums, labāk vienkārši uzzvani mums uz 1601 – noskaidro visu uzreiz, bez gaidīšanas. Rakstiskas atbildes parasti aizņem vairāk laika.
Ar sveicieniem,
Andis no Bites
[RU teksts]
If you're bothering to read this, then you either have way too much time or you're a lawyer. If you take any of the ideas in this email and use them... and they actually work, please share the credit with us. Or just come and work with us! And you if you would want to print this e-mail, please consider if it‘s essential, perhaps it would be better to give some rest to our mother nature.