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Wtf [26. Jan 2012|23:46]
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De Botonam ir ideja ar septiņiem lielajiem "I": Alain de Botton reveals plans for 'temple to atheism' in heart of London.
The spat came as De Botton revealed details of a temple to evoke more than 300m years of life on earth. Each centimetre of the tapering tower's interior has been designed to represent a million years and a narrow band of gold will illustrate the relatively tiny amount of time humans have walked the planet. The exterior would be inscribed with a binary code denoting the human genome sequence.


The temple features a single door for visitors who will enter as if it were an art installation. The roof will be open to the elements and there could be fossils and geologically interesting rocks in the concrete walls.
Kā saka [info]tanstaafl , "viņš taču ir galīgi saspiedies vispārākajā pakāpē". Viņam arī nesen iznākusi jauna (acīmredzot ārkārtīgi vērtīga) grāmata Religion for Atheists, lielisks kopsavilkums atrodams šeit.
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