Tales of the Glass Flower - Define: friend
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Define: friend
There's one advantage to having mostly online friends, and it's one that nobody ever talks about:

They demand less from you.

Sure, you emotionally support them, comfort them after a breakup, maybe even talk them out of a suicide. But knowing someone in meatspace adds a whole, long list of annoying demands. Wasting your whole afternoon helping them fix their computer. Going to funerals with them. Toting them around in your car every day after theirs gets repossessed by the bank. Having them show up unannounced when you were just settling in to watch the Dirty Jobs marathon on the Discovery channel, then mentioning how hungry they are until you finally give them half your sandwich.

7 iemesli kaapeec 21. gadsimts padara tevi nelaimiigu

Sabiedriiba, kur mazaak skabargu tur muus kopaa ar liidzcilveekiem, laikam tomeer nebuutu laimiigaaka.

Mees tikai buutu veel vientuljaaki.
Un ar veel dziljaaku neizpratni veerotu 'laimiigos', censhoties atmineet - kaads ir vinju nosleepums?

"Pashpietiekamiiba" ir sasodiiti dranjkjiiga lieta. Protams, mees katrs pats varam iztureet daudz vairaak, nekaa shkjiet. Bet vienmeer pienaaks briidis, kad nevar.


Neviens no mums nav visvarens.
mat From: [info]mat Date: July 13th, 2008 - 12:50 am (.)
Mēs esam tik vareni, cik mēs to gribam. Dzīve ir relatīvs jēdziens, tāpēc vienmēr var izveidot relativitāti tā, lai tu justos laimīgs.
cyrain From: [info]cyrain Date: July 13th, 2008 - 01:25 am (.)
Jā, tik vareni, cik gribam. Bet jo varenāki mēs cenšamies būt, jo ar lielākām un lielākām grūtībām liekam sev tikt galā.

Mēģinājums būt visvarenam ir lemts neveiksmei.

Tas ir tikai laika jautājums. Un tā, cik sāpīgs būs konkrētais grābeklis.
mat From: [info]mat Date: July 13th, 2008 - 12:10 pm (.)
Varenums jau ir tas, ka tu uzkāp uz grābekļa, bet to nejūti.
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User: [info]cyrain
Name: Cyrain
Back March 2011
   "This is a place where the dying come in hopes of winning life. We don't get many immortals."
   "I seek a different prize," the Immortal said.
   "Yes?" I prompted.
   "Death," he told me."Life. Death. Life."
   "Two different things," I said. "Opposites. Enemies."
   "No," said the Immortal. "They are the same."