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Monday, September 18th, 2023

    Time Event
    No Zaža:

    /"Low-carbon technologies that were so expensive just a few decades ago that they were only affordable for satellites have came down steadily in price and now provide the cheapest electricity on the planet (which implies that they are now the cheapest source of energy that humanity ever had access to)."/

    Viss pareizi. Degvielas šūnas, mazi kompakti reaktori, arī termoemisijas avoti (RITEG).
    Izvarošanas speciālisti


    diezgan jautri palasīt.

    Šeit mēs uzskatāmā piemērā redzam kāpēc tā saucamie pseido progresīvie ir tāds pats grāvis kā nacionālisti, rasisti, seksisti, reliģiski fundamentālisti utt.

    Tās pašas olas, skats no sāniem.

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