Jūnijs 3., 2005
21:03 - originally posted by melody Wilde, 05-06-2005, 12:00 AM originally posted by GeorgeL: thank you, you're so nice :)
and i am in a need to get away as well. sorry that this fuss probably brought you down and our conversation went nowhere. it's just that... often, even before i learnt to know zarathustra, i thought of it... if only.. if only somebody would come and take me away.. to some mountains, to some deep country.... away from all of this.. then it wouldnt really matter how much i love him or not.. it really wouldnt... and... and i know that you were fully into inviting me to go away, it was more like a thought from zarathustra that came to your mind, i suppose... but.. you were the first one ever to ask me this and .. i... i cant help myself. i'm so tired of this. it's do hard and difficult to live and to love here, i hate these games we play all the time, i hate these games we have to play... all i need is to love and not to be some silly part of the dating service, i wonder if you'll understand any part of this shit i'm writing because i'm not giving anything of it too much thought and yeah this language is not my mother tongue.. who cares.................... .................................................. ..
22:14 - operācija glābt ezi ezis, paliels, ar asām adatām mēģināja izlīst pa mūsu šķūnveidīgās ēkas durvjapakšu, bet, nabags!, pārrēķinājās un nekur nevarēja izlīst. iesprūda. suņa klātbūtnes apdraudēts. tā nu mēs viņu izdabūjām un .... ilgi ilgi es viņu glaudīju :) odi ēda abus nost - jā, arī pa viņu viens rāpās. bet bez nekādiem odīgiem panākumiem, tas skaidrs. man viņš bija jānes prom. tikai tik, cik pār laipiņu. mamma teica, ka jau rītdien vai pat tagad varam gaidīt atpakaļ. gribas redzēt, vai ir izkustējies no vietas, kur viņu noliku. jo mēs sadraudzējāmies. un es redzēju viņa melnās actiņas mirkšķināmies. un jutu elpu no deguntiņa. un to, cik silts viņš ir. ass arī, protams, tur šaubu nav un nevar būt. un melnais deguntiņs.... ajj. :) Mūzika: the white stripes - my doorbell