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Been there, done that - Spamojam uz pilnu klapi
There's no way things should be, there's only what happens and what we do.
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Spamojam uz pilnu klapi
The farther I go the less I know
One foot goes in front of the other
It all boils around to not hanging around
To keep moving in front of the gravity
The answer is there the answer is there
but there is not a fixed position
It keeps moving along so I keep coming along
and that's why I'm a long distance runner
and if I stop to catch my breath
I might catch a piece of death
I can't keep your pace if I want to finish this race
My fight's not with it
It's with the gravity
Long distance runner

Mūzika: Fugazi - Returning The Screw

martcore From: [info]martcore Date: 3. Marts 2005 - 04:10 (Norāde uz piebildi)
Vot, citēt Fugazi jau ir kruta. Nekādu veceņu, reāls skatījums uz dzīvi.
capslock From: [info]capslock Date: 3. Marts 2005 - 09:10 (Norāde uz piebildi)
Kā, tu neredzi šajā hitā vecenes?
martcore From: [info]martcore Date: 3. Marts 2005 - 09:22 (Norāde uz piebildi)
/uzmanīgi/ Labi. Redzu.
capslock From: [info]capslock Date: 3. Marts 2005 - 09:25 (Norāde uz piebildi)
Nu vo. Po mojemu vam tozhe kazhetsja shto ja pidar.
Un vispār, kas par dzīvi bez vecenēm, a, bļa?
martcore From: [info]martcore Date: 3. Marts 2005 - 09:39 (Norāde uz piebildi)
Neuztraucies, bez večiem ir vēl sūdīgāk.
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User: [info]capslock
Name: CapsLock
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