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Been there, done that - On sales, continued
There's no way things should be, there's only what happens and what we do.
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On sales, continued
If an objective is based on a desire, YOU CAN NOT BE WRONG. If you want a billion dollars, you want it and that can not be wrong. If setting an objective is based on your best estimated guess, YOU CAN NOT BE WRONG. You only under or over estimated.

When you set an objective with a specific number in a specific time frame, you can not fail. You may not hit your number in the allotted time but all you need to do is re-evaluate and adjust. You did not fail, you just missed your dateline. Adjust your strategy and continue. If you do not give up, YOU WILL HIT YOUR NUMBERS AND MEET YOUR OBJECTIVE or you will die trying. Either way, you DID NOT FAIL.

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rediiss From: [info]rediiss Date: 7. Septembris 2005 - 11:56 (Norāde uz piebildi)
tāds kā hipnozes tekstiņš - iedomājos kā man acu priekšā šūpojas pulkstenis un ausīs skan 'you did not fail, you did not fail' :D
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User: [info]capslock
Name: CapsLock
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