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Been there, done that -
There's no way things should be, there's only what happens and what we do.
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Dr. Miller's data reveal some yawning gaps in basic knowledge. American adults in general do not understand what molecules are (other than that they are really small). Fewer than a third can identify DNA as a key to heredity. Only about 10 percent know what radiation is. One adult American in five thinks the Sun revolves around the Earth, an idea science had abandoned by the 17th century.

(No The New York Times)
stepes_vilks From: [info]stepes_vilks Date: 5. Septembris 2005 - 19:09 (Norāde uz piebildi)
viņiem tur citas vērtības - brīvība, demokrātija un taisnība!
smejmoon From: [info]smejmoon Date: 6. Septembris 2005 - 00:49 (Norāde uz piebildi)
Nu un ko dod zināšanas, kuras nevar pielietot un nevar pārbaudīt? Lielā mērā sanāk Das Glasperlenspiel. :-)
capslock From: [info]capslock Date: 6. Septembris 2005 - 07:05 (Norāde uz piebildi)
Arī tiesa ;)
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