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Robot Unicorn AttackApr. 23rd, 2010 @ 02:04 pm
Hei, es atradu uzlauztu Robot Unicorn Attack versiju, ko var:
  1. Nokačāt un spēlēt offline.
  2. Spēlēt pa pilnu ekrānu!!
  3. Bet pats labākais, pārlūku var pastiept horizontāli iegarenu, un laicīgi redzēt, kāds reljefs tuvojas.
Current Mood: amused
Current Music: Erasure - Always

learn2scMar. 9th, 2010 @ 05:18 pm
Sean Plott māca mūs spēlēt StarCraft (un SC2).
Current Mood: working

Tell my mom I love her.Mar. 7th, 2010 @ 09:03 am
Current Mood: excited

plastmasas ģitāraJan. 28th, 2010 @ 08:57 pm
Hei, vai kādam no jums ir plastmasas ģitāra, ko aizdot? Nu, tās, ar ko Guitar Hero un līdzīgus spēlē.
Current Mood: hopeful

World of WorkcraftJun. 21st, 2008 @ 07:36 pm
That's a 50 DKP minus!
Current Mood: giggly
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seko garš raksts )
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Es pavisam aizmirsu pieminēt: steam units tajā spēlē man nenormāli atgādina warforged. :)
» games
From The Art of PC Game Design:
[..] In a Zoo we find two lion cubs wrestling near their mother. They growl and claw at each other. [..] One cub wanders off and notices a butterfly. It crouches in the grass, creeps ever so slowly toward its insect prey, then raises its haunches, wiggles them, and pounces. We laugh at the comedy; we say that the cubs are playing a game, that they are having fun, and that they are such fun-loving, carefree creatures.

We are right on the first count: these cubs do indeed appear to be playing a kind of game. [..] We may be right on the second count; who knows if lions can have fun? But we are dead wrong on the last count. These cubs are not carefree. They do not indulge in games to while away the years of their cub hood. These games are deadly serious business. They are studying the skills of hunting, the skills of survival. [..]

And how the punchline:
Games are thus the most ancient and time-honored vehicle for education. They are the original educational technology, the natural one, having received the seal of approval of natural selection. We don’t see mother lions lecturing cubs at the chalkboard; we don’t see senior lions writing their memoirs for posterity. In light of this, the question, "Can games have educational value?" becomes absurd. It is not games but schools that are the newfangled notion, the untested fad, and the violator of tradition. Game-playing is a vital educational function for any creature capable of learning.

» dragonshard
Veiksmīgi sazāļoju Dragonshard. Ļoti netradicionāla stratēģija. Eberonas pasauli gan tā neparāda diezcik - darbība risinās Xendrikas kontinenta džungļos. Diezgan nozog ticamības momentus tas - paladini ar vienu elementāļkuģi atlido un netiek uz vietas izcepināti no drakonu puses. WTF! Cita starpā var mācītes warforgedu uzvedību.

Papildināts: Plots ir crap. :(

Papildināts 2: Oops! Drakoni dzīvo Dragonesenā nevis Xendrikā.
» bridge builder
Šī spēle izraisa smagu atkarību. Es jau vairākas dienas un naktis vienu tiltu optimizēju.
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