CannibalSmith - qotd

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Previous Entry qotdAug. 11th, 2006 @ 02:43 pm Next Entry
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Date: August 11th, 2006 - 05:22 pm
Because we don't kill people who killed people to show it's wrong to kill people. We kill people who killed people to tell others "See, this is what happens when you kill people. If you kill people, other people will kill you." which basically grounds down to "If you gonna mess with us, we gonna mess with you " which in turn comes from the Bible's "eye for an eye, yadda yadda" phrase.
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Date: August 11th, 2006 - 06:43 pm
But the end result is even more killing, which is the thing we wanted to prevent in the first place.
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Date: August 14th, 2006 - 08:00 am
Nee, nu, kaa!? :)
Ja kaads nogalina cilveeku, tad tas noziimee, ka vinjsh/vinja ir paarkaapis noziimiigu priekshrakstu uz kura balstaas cilveeku sabiedriiba un liidz ar to ir kljuvis par draudu tai. Logjiski, ka sabiedriiba centiisies likvideet sho neveelamo elementu. Taadeejaadi buus zaudeeti tikai 2 sabiedriibas loceklji taa vietaa, lai potenciaali riskeetu ar to, ka tiks nogalinaati 3+ indiviidi. Damage control.
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Date: August 14th, 2006 - 09:36 pm
Bet kāpēc viņš nogalināja? Tāpēc, ka viņš domāja, ka tas ir okei - nogalināt. Tiek rādīts nepareizs piemērs. Un tas iesēžas zemapziņā.
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Date: August 15th, 2006 - 10:39 am
Kaapeec nepareizs piemeers? IMHO viss ir pareizi. Tiek raadiits piemeers, ka nogalinaat driikst tikai, ja tev ir valsts dota atljauja to dariit. Taa protams nav ideaala sisteema, bet kaadu alternatiivu tu iesaki?
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Date: August 15th, 2006 - 10:45 am
Nav alternatīvas. Sanāca laba diskausija. Paldies.
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