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Brain waves [Apr. 7th, 2023|11:57 am]
Skatos sho no Davos un klausos sho no Anglijas vienlaiciigi.

Happy Big Days visiem.
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[Apr. 1st, 2023|10:10 pm]
Cope still at it - England Expectorates
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2023 [Mar. 29th, 2023|12:54 pm]
think I have solved it: if biological sex (male/female) isn't gender(men/women), to avoid all the issues around changing rooms, sports and so on, why not make sure the changing rooms/sports are named 'male/female' and not 'men's/women's'? If you want to be inclusive, you could have male/female/men's/women's changing rooms, sports and so on - that way you could enable male/female women in the 'Ladies (Women's)' and male/female men in the 'Gents (Men's)'. You just couldn't get male women in the 'Female's' and female men in the 'Male's'.

Something like that.

Latvisiki buutu "sieviešu dzimtes tualete', kas ir mazliet neveikls, bet vismaz..
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[Mar. 20th, 2023|10:00 am]
How to clear the room

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[Feb. 16th, 2023|09:38 am]
"The World is controlled by a secret elite." 

 Most in agreement: West Ham 47%
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[Feb. 5th, 2023|10:13 pm]

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Principia Mathematica [Feb. 3rd, 2023|09:22 am]
vienas brokastis

you have the plural form of 'one'

Es jūs visus apsveicu. Pat ja esmu kaut ko pārpratis.
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[Jan. 30th, 2023|12:09 pm]
Have you ever considered you might be a cunt?


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[Jan. 14th, 2023|01:11 am]
the cynicism or stoicism necessary to bear the years the soul spends in this spinning orb should furnish one with the necessary resilience to bear the call from a brother at midnight (as we rumbled through Poland) of a father's collapse, but somehow it doesn't. It just - as it happens - changes the nature of how you see yourself - and the way the dreams (see you), too. Some kind of revolt borne of an imperative to take control.

There I was, taking my depressed wife to Paris, and sure telling her it was a just a dream. We had fun. We messed about with the sporting dream NPCs until some official from the spiritual template brothers lambasted us with the following rebuke:

"How dare you control this dream! You have no hat!"

My wife, enthused with impish gnosis, retorted with the following (while aligning a fetching cepure on her bonce):

"Never say no to a new chapeau!"

which rhymes.

The next night I told someone who was talking to me in a more intelligent manner than I could consciously muster that

"I was confused about existence."

He responded with imagery. Thousands of falling five-pointed stars and then, the planet as a negative.

She, the wife, laughed about it over a 0.5 beer later. but I am not so sure.

Anyone who doesn't wonder about existence in a non-profane manner needs to have a word with themselves. Preferably in rhyme.
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[Jan. 10th, 2023|10:03 am]
"Take the example of Canon’s Beijing office, 1 which has installed smart cameras that prevent any action from being performed (such as scheduling a meeting, accessing certain rooms, etc.) unless they detect a smile."
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[Dec. 20th, 2022|01:01 pm]
"During Saturnalia, work and business came to a halt. Schools and courts of law closed, and the normal social patterns were suspended.

People decorated their homes with wreaths and other greenery,...

.... Instead of working, Romans spent Saturnalia gambling, singing, playing music, feasting, socializing and giving each other gifts."

In church, the Roman colour purple is used - for the candle and the vestments - at this time of year.
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[Dec. 17th, 2022|05:59 pm]
Death everywhere. UK TV is saturated with it: socially engineered murder mysteries between the NEWS, which is replete with morbid sickly requiems for drowned children and the NHS at breaking point: flu outbreaks deadly in intent. My mother asks about an old newspaper "Is it dead?" she wants to know. The next live one will come through the letterbox tomorrow morning - full of a blanket of defeatist messaging to their readership terrified of being put out of their misery.

My ancient parents talk with their friends about all the funerals that took place this month. I think of my manual therapist (dead), and my car mechanic (dead).

My oldest friend calls me. We were supposed to meet for the first time in years. My oldest friend: played in the first bands together: hands sweating so much before we were called on stage despite the whiskey. We practised in his patient parents' attic for the first year. He came to Latvia with me back in 97. Some of you know him.

He calls me to tell me he won't be able to meet me. He'd come up from London to find his parents dead in their home: murdered.
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[Dec. 15th, 2022|11:16 pm]
"Ikviens Latvijā ir pelnījis aizsardzību."


A long time ago I was in a 2nd hand record store in Greece. The guy who owned the place wanted to understand me before he would recommend a record. After a brief chat, he picked something out by this guy, as one of the songs had the line "Where were you in the winter, hooligan?" Don't know if it was this one.
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Šodien [Dec. 12th, 2022|10:04 pm]
Mašīnai bija nepieciešams remonts, tāpēc devos uz Servisu, kuru lietojo jau 10 gadus. "Kur ir ...?" Es jautāju.
"Zem zemes" skanēja atbilde.

Jauns puisis (ap 40). Vienmēr gatavs dalīties ar savām domām. Reizēm bija grūti aizmukt, kad viņš sāka runāt par tehnisku jautājumu. Dažreiz es tur biju tik ilgu, ka man nācās atcelt to dienas darbu. Arī jauka humora izjūta viņam bija. Vienmēr diplomātisks, kad viņš apsprieda manas vecās automašīnas.

Vieglas smiltis, vecit.
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[Dec. 12th, 2022|07:11 pm]

Es tagad lasu VALIS. The first line hooked me, and now I am being reeled through the waters.

Es atradu šo. Tas droši vien ir slavens. To sieviešu sejas izteiksmēm, kuras klausās viņa liecību, vajadzētu būt kādā asprātīgā reliģiskā gleznā.

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[Nov. 21st, 2022|10:50 am]
Labs neitrāls pārskats: datorspēles, bērni, tētis un tēta draugi. Ja neesat politkorekts, vienmēr vari savienot dot(us).
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Aptronyms [Nov. 14th, 2022|10:02 am]
Zobārste reiz ieteica man vērsties pie ārsta, kura vārds ir "Bite" par žokļa problēmu. Es par to domāju, kad ieraudzīju, ka FTX puiša vārds ir Bankman-Fried. Apvienotās Karalistes 'Nudge Unit' bija nopietns darbinieks, kuru sauca 'Per Block'.
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[Oct. 26th, 2022|11:34 am]

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Prolapse [Oct. 5th, 2022|10:44 pm]
Šī grupa bija asprātīga savā transā. It kā mistiskais tēls būtu puisis no Glāzgovas, kas lej uz paklāja savu alu.
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[Oct. 4th, 2022|09:36 am]
Nekad neaizmirstiet

Tikai žēl par Stewart, jo es patiešām mīlu ‘You wear it well’.

klausoties šīs "entītijas", ir skaidrs, ka atbilde uz Resorta jautājumu ir "jā". Šīs radības mūs nicina. Un jūs varat būt pārliecināti, ka šo politiku pilnībā atbalstīs visi jaukie progresīvie liberālie inteliģentie tipi.

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