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Reuters [Aug. 9th, 2023|02:08 pm]
"Eager early adopters recently descended upon a Mexico City cafe where their eyes were scanned by a futuristic sphere, part of an ambitious project that ultimately seeks to create a unique digital identification for everyone on the planet. The project's goal is to distinguish people from bots online, while doling out a cryptocurrency bonus as an incentive to participate."

Esmu pārliecināts, ka tā kādreiz bija sazvērestības teorija.
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House of the Dead [Aug. 8th, 2023|10:00 pm]
Hiding, for age-old reasons, I see his figure carrying piss and blood in wine glasses in a hospitable stance in the hospital.

I scamper home ahead of him through old Avotu made Miera with youngish people doing youngish things in the face of the stupid ones with their Opinions: all more-or-less an act of self-conscious differentiation.

On heading into the old building, disintegrating like an old tooth in the skull of the city, she exits into the shadowed courtyard and smiles at me: ages in the widening of knowing eyes, and in the spirit that raises her sad face like tired wet sails, a sudden wind gusting from some swell of the invisible. All over so quick, it hurts. She is dead, after all.

I hold the door for him. ‘Did you see her?’ I ask him in the stairwell. ‘Was it her sister?’
He shakes his head, but I had seen him look, stand, and stare at her retreating form “Does she have a double?” I badger him, or myself, or both of us.

We climb the stairs in the dead house to a balcony, where, one floor above, I see myself - domestically - through a window. No privacy - like a digitally-fed recording of thought and action played in real-time to anyone who had nothing better to do: like this - a curtain opened of my own free conceit.

I shouldn’t be able to watch myself, I tell him: it is not a mirror. He absorbs my revelation but doesn’t pause his organisation of the bodily fluids on he table for the sitting.

“So we can’t be here, you see? So she isn’t here.
None of us are here.”

Like some tribal souls caught in the snatch of photography and then resuscitated in the fields of thoughts, and then rising in what, at least, from here in the House of Dead are clearly idiot stances: faces traduced by some second, third-hand blithered Opinions that you could trace, if you were to scamper back through some swipe of time, to some almost mundane black magic absorbed in solitude in a bar in a quiet street of the living.
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[Jul. 31st, 2023|12:43 pm]
Sestdien noskatījos The Duelists. Vakar, Reuben, Reuben: abi ar Tomu Konti.
Abām filmām bija lidzīga skaista rudens noskaņa, un abām bija izcili scenāriji. Līdzīgi Drowning by Numbers, bet bez draudīgiem okultiskajiem (kabalistiskajiem?) skaitļiem.
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[Jul. 27th, 2023|06:40 pm]
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Mandela Effect [Jul. 11th, 2023|09:55 pm]
I swear I remember the braces on the girl. We were in a cinema in Essex. I am old enough. Everyone laughed. Almost everyone, probably.

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[Jul. 5th, 2023|01:01 pm]

Gadījumā par Angliju:

Ja izmantojam

a) visu iemeslu mirstības skaitu katrā vecuma grupā no ONS (šeit);

b) cilvēku skaitu, kuri bija piekrituši vakcinēties no UKHSA (šeit); un 

c) Anglijas iedzīvotāju kopskaitu no informācijas, kas balstīta uz 2021. gada tautas skaitīšanu (šeit)

tad mēs varam reķināt kurai grupai ir lielākā mirstība - tiem, kas vakcīnējās, vai tiem, kas spītējas.

Mēs varam sākt (un es vienkārši mētīšu kauliņus) ar cilvēkiem, vecumā no 50 līdz 59 gadiem, un datiem par viņiem 2022. gada martā.

A) Nāves gadijumi 

NEVAX = 210

VAX = 1,957

B) Vakcinēto cilvēku procentuāla daļa

Ap 89%

C) Iedzīvotāju kopskaits


NEVAX = 210/849,674 = 24.7/100,000

VAX = 1,957/6,874,635 = 28.5/100,000 

Tagad par cilvēkiem, vecumā no 60 līdz 69 gadiem 2022, gada aprilī.

A)  Nāves gadijumi 

NEVAX = 248

VAX = 4,008

B) Vakcinēto cilvēku procentuāla daļa

Ap 93%

C) Iedzīvotāju kopskaits


248/424,028 = 58.5/100,000

4,008/5,633,514 = 71.1/100,000 

Tagad vecumā no 18 līdz 39 gadiem 2022, gada februarī.

A)  Naves gadīumi 

NEVAX = 99

VAX = 329

B) Vakcinēto cilvēku procentuāla daļa

Ap 73%

C) Iedzīvotāju kopskaits


99/4,185,001 = 2.4/100,000

329/11,315,004 = 2.9/100,000 

Vissbeidzot, vecumā no 40 līdz 49 gadiem 2022, gada junijā.

A)  Nāves gadijumi

NEVAX = 88

VAX = 588

B) Vakcinēto cilvēku procentuāla daļa

Ap 81%

C) Iedzīvotāju kopskaits


88/1,361,724 = 6.5/100,000

588/5,805,242 = 10.1/100,000

Kontekstā: Excess deaths in 2022 among worst in 50 years (link)

Esmu pārbaudījis kopā 12 datu kopas (dažādas vecuma grupas un mēneši), un rezultāti ir vienādi. Iespējams, ka esmu šur tur pieļāvis kļūdu, tāpēc droši pārbaudiet manus aprēķinus.

ONS apgalvo, ka lielākā mirstība ir starp tiem, kas nevakcinējās. Bet, lai izdarītu tādu secinājumu, viņiem bija jāignorē 10-15% no iedzīvotājiem, kā rezultātā viņi atklāja, ka jums bija mazāka iespēja nomirt no Covid nesaistītiem cēloņiem, ja būtu bijis vakcinēts.

Viss tika paskaidrots un apspriests komentaros antiprojekcijas postam 06.05.2023. 

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[Jun. 8th, 2023|12:29 am]
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[Jun. 6th, 2023|10:18 pm]
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[May. 23rd, 2023|12:20 pm]
Martin Amis nomira. Ieteiktu 'The Information' un 'London Fields' (esmu lasījis tikai šīs divas viņa grāmatas).

'The Information' ir īpaši aktuāla.
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[May. 19th, 2023|07:34 pm]

Been listening to the influence of the Yeoman archetype on the (subconsciously perceived) archetype of the Anglo Saxon (Scott Mannion and Jay Dyer). I don't know about the fancy philosophising (amiable be it when drinking), but all I would say is the longbow two fingers is in the blood, as is the elder's daughter revelling in the big Green T-shirt guy battering the orcs (Dutch in this instance). These kinds of men taught me to sing Bubbles as a young lad while my dad was pulling pints in the Essex village we lived in. Don't know if is the romantic stoicism of the song (and like my dreams they fade and die, I am forever blowing bubbles, pretty bubbles in the sky) is connected, but over the last few years it has come in handy.

A Spaniard loved around these parts scored in the 94th minute, and after leaping up and down in a way that isn't becoming, I raise a glass to my dad, who put a hole into the ceiling when Brooking scored in 1980. 

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[May. 16th, 2023|10:19 am]
Gribu pievērst jūsu uzmanību šai sarunai.

Esmu diezgan pārliecināts, ka dati par iedzīvotāju skaitu (no 2021. gada tautas skaitīšanas) un UKHSA vakcinācijas rādītājiem pierāda, ka vakcinēto mirstības rādītāji no ne-Covid izraisītiem cēloņiem ir daudz augstāki nekā nevakcinētajiem.

Ja šeit ir kāds, kurš joprojām ir kaut kā neitrāls par šo tēmu, varbūt varat apskatīt manus aprēķinus? Iespējams, mēs (es un antiprojekcija) neesam saskatījuši kaut ko būtisku.

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[Apr. 19th, 2023|09:11 pm]
British TV in the 70's
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[Apr. 17th, 2023|03:20 pm]
I saw 'saule spid 24 stundas'. Thought it was fun, but a bit crap. Then I went to the shops and had a revelation. Could it be one of the best LV films I have seen? A cry to the father Elohim from the abandoned man in the dreamscape of a post-soviet shithole- you don't get that sort of thing much anywhere.
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Dick Isolation [Apr. 15th, 2023|11:42 am]
Sieva atrada vecu lapu ar RS&DoP dziesmas tekstu. Dziesma saucās "Charlie's Dick", un tajā bija rindas

"sewing without thread are those who isolate their own dicks
it's a limb and not a crutch: it won't extend that much"

Mums bija arī T-krekls ar aicinājumu "Don't isolate your dick!"

Labs padoms, joprojam.
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[Apr. 12th, 2023|09:23 am]

notika trokšņu karš ar jaunu kaimiņu. Viņu klibais hiphops tika iznīcināts 6 minūtēs 40 sekundēs ar Burzuma vētru.

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Brain waves [Apr. 7th, 2023|11:57 am]
Skatos sho no Davos un klausos sho no Anglijas vienlaiciigi.

Happy Big Days visiem.
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[Apr. 1st, 2023|10:10 pm]
Cope still at it - England Expectorates
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2023 [Mar. 29th, 2023|12:54 pm]
think I have solved it: if biological sex (male/female) isn't gender(men/women), to avoid all the issues around changing rooms, sports and so on, why not make sure the changing rooms/sports are named 'male/female' and not 'men's/women's'? If you want to be inclusive, you could have male/female/men's/women's changing rooms, sports and so on - that way you could enable male/female women in the 'Ladies (Women's)' and male/female men in the 'Gents (Men's)'. You just couldn't get male women in the 'Female's' and female men in the 'Male's'.

Something like that.

Latvisiki buutu "sieviešu dzimtes tualete', kas ir mazliet neveikls, bet vismaz..
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[Mar. 20th, 2023|10:00 am]
How to clear the room

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[Feb. 16th, 2023|09:38 am]
"The World is controlled by a secret elite." 

 Most in agreement: West Ham 47%
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