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saimnieks, darbnieks - the plumber is an artist [Apr. 7th, 2011|09:14 pm]
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Date:April 11th, 2011 - 07:27 pm
What would I like to achieve? I don't know, really. I don't like the subjective way most people judge class - especially how some of those from what they would consider the "educated middle class" think about the "uneducated working class". Far too many unfounded and rather patronsing assumptions for my 42 years - I am referring to the sort of assumptions based on tastes, education, vocabulary etc. Most of the brightest, most creative people I have worked with are working class with no formal higher education (both they and their parents).

A word about education, too: I have a degree in Applied Science, and an HND in Landscape Construction - the HND was more of a challenge im many ways then the "middle class" degree, and as for the masters here in Latvia (that I have yet to finish) - well really - it is almost too embarrassing to write about - I believe the term is "fufelis".

Finally, we are not talking about the "lower classes", we are talking about the WORKING class - the answer, I think, of how to judge who belongs in it, is in the title (which is why I prefer the term darbninieka šķira). Classically, the various classes have their lobbying bodies:

the financial and speculative classes (those who control the supply of money) are the most powerful - a look at those in power in the US (the so-called revolving doors at the Fed and the treasury) should be enough proof of that. The financial classes take this lobbying very seriously.

employer class - employer associations. Employers take their lobbying extremely seriously in my experience.

working class - trade unions. Most working people don't belong to them and most seem to actively disagree with what they stand for.

I think those in the working class shoould be far, far more active in the trade movement (and if you are looking for a secret motive, then this is it, I suppose) as without this their interests will be subordinated to those if the other classes. This is exactly what is happening here in Latvia.