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in other news [Mar. 25th, 2011|11:11 am]
Previous Entry Add to Memories Tell A Friend Next Entry 13 year-old nephew, Ewan, has just produced a West Ham FC strip with "J.Stalin" stamped on the back

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Date:March 25th, 2011 - 12:24 pm
now his mother has had a go at him and he's going around asking himself "Why did I do that?"

Shame really: I thought it was entertainingly provocational for a 13-year old in the sticks. Stalin was the keeper - I would pick Bush and Blair as tough centre back combination (Blair would do the talking - he's good at that - as with a "What me, ref" innocence they avoid the ref's recriminations). Mussolini could swap flanks at will/at the agreed on time as MI5 clean up on random betting syndicate scams.

Up front Sarkozy and Gaddafi?