towards the light |
[Jul. 7th, 2010|08:09 pm] |
Tagad vēlreiz lasu Anthony de Mello grāmatu "Awareness" [tā palīdz noņemt spriedzi, kas ik pa laikam atrodas šajās četrās sienās - it īpaši tagad, kad vairs nevaru paskriet mežā. Par ko es runāju? Nu, piemēram, par savu kolēģi, kas tagad ceļās pus piecos, lai skrietu pusmaratonu katru rītu - tās palīdz, apparently].
Grāmatā ir šādi teikumi "A therapist says, 'Let's ease the suffering.' The spiritual director says, Let her suffer, she'll get sick of this way of relating to people and she''ll finally decide to break out of this prison of emotional dependence on others.' "
Domāju - nū 'domāt' ir parāk spēcīgs vārds - man virspusīgi šķiet, ka tas ir kaut kādā veidā saistīts ar šo rakstu: Antidepressants in water cause shrimps to 'swim towards the light'
Gaismā, kurā šīs garneles tiek apēstas. |
Comments: |
so what are U saying? it's NOT BAD to be ever so mildly depressed in time and not overly optimistic? And Not To Hate to Think Hard and Sore?
I agree.
Something like that, or something like not taking mild depression too personally: it has the same role as pain.
But, you know, I really don't like pontificating about this. | |