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Ieteiktu [Oct. 5th, 2023|10:29 pm]
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Como Sur Reserva Especial Merlot

Gave my youngest some inchigus jautaajums par Romieshu Imperiju, skatijos, kaa West Ham uzvareeja Vacijaa, and ... don't you think that if man-made climate change didn't actually exist, you'd have to believe it to keep the collective head high? I mean we are on the way out, aren't we? Debt up to the ears, fiat money corrupted at source, having to admit in polite society all kinds of huinja, and precious few rare earths and other resources - if we tap out in a zero-carbon suicide in 2030, it'll be 10 or 20 years before a bunch of other regional powers. There's always got to be a moral reason for having to commit suicide, I suppose.
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