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Labrīt! [Oct. 14th, 2009|11:40 am]
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Date:October 17th, 2009 - 10:24 am
OK paldies, skaidrs, ka man vajag to petiit vairaak, bet vispaar es griibeeju kaut ko citu pateikt: rakstiishu angliski - man liekas, ka tu sapratiis

It's hard enough for us to think about ensuring we have something put away for illness/old age/education for ourselves - both materially (I am a father of two and tici man, there is bugger all left after the bills have been paid) and with regard to perception (we live, more or less, for the present).

It's even harder to think about ensuring (via taxation/income redistribution) that other people have enough when ill/old/unemployed.

From you first piebilde, it's even harder to think about ensuring people from another country who were sent here have enough when old/ill etc.

I think it's got very little to do with 'productivity' - I think this is a convenient excuse - it helps us overlook our 'pofismu'.