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Labrīt! [Oct. 14th, 2009|11:40 am]
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Date:October 14th, 2009 - 02:43 pm
That's what I told him when he asked me for 15 lats for his etalon (I'm writing in English because it's more productive). I thought it was 7 lats something I told him. He said it was, but now it's more. I told him he could walk to school. He said it is 12 km. I asked him what he wanted an education for anyway. The most productive thing he could do was train to be a croupier in a casino - failing that he could learn English and fuck off to Ireland, where he would be a sight more productive. I asked him if they had an English teacher - he said that although they hadn't had one for a while (or a geography teacher for that matter), they have got one now. He asked me if being a school teacher was productive. I told him that they are a burden and I explained to him that he should consider becoming an economist because even 'below average economics students are above average citizens'.
He asked me if they were productive. I told him to go to school because he was wasting my time.